Responding to a social-fascist scumbag
The context is I’m replying to that social-fascist scum known as “smokeuptheweed9”. They’re clearly telling lies about me and doubling down on their social-fascism. The point has already been done on the subreddit’s post I made. Neither amerikans nor europeans are to be trusted by the proletariat (the Third World workers), it doesn’t matter how much ‘knowledgeable’ on scientific socialism they are nor how much they say or imply they support the Third Worlders.
The reply was originally made on that subreddit’s post but due to reddit’s character limit, I had to split it there so it was split into several comments and due to reddit’s comment format it was totally impractical. I’m posting it here instead. Each paragraph following the “>” sign is part of sutw’s comment. The rest of the text is my reply.
Responding to social-fascist pile of (redacted) smokeuptheweed9 as I see he's making up things about me that are clearly not true. Anyone who sees my post and comment history will clearly see this user is lying through his teeth about me and coming up with excuses to do so.
I'll let the facts speak for themselves and then people will clearly decide who's telling the truth.
The fact is smokeuptheweed9 is a ban-happy mod that clearly banned me because they didn't like my pointing out a certain person's ultra-chauvinism and social-fascist views and equivocated me pointing out that person's anti-marxist views with me having a problem with that person just because.
He (sutw9) didn't stop and think that that person's rationale is the way amerikan "communists" think, even if they've read a lot of theory.
He did allow my criticism of another pile of excrement Mexican "communist" online figure into the r/communism sub. This leads me to think the bias comes from sutw9's chauvinism (he agrees with most of that amerikan "communist's" views and probably (even if this bit is a stretch but may be possible) even considers that person a "comrade"), which clearly makes sutw9 a social-fascist through and through.
Either that or...dang, he’s not really that bright not to see the point of that post. Either way, that's the reason I was banned.
My commentary on that person was "poorly written and overly repetitive" and so I got banned for posting it twice. He didn't see the forest for the trees, that this wasn't just about a person but a broad case with amerikans regarding their chauvinism and social-fascist ways dressed in "Communism". His chauvinism didn't let him see that or maybe he did and didn't like me criticizing that person as he (sutw9) knows I'm right but doesn't like that for some reason.
>This person was banned I think a year ago for whining about civility and has been so mad ever since they've made dozens of accounts trying to mimic what they think my imagined "third worldism" sounds like.
Right off the bat...No. This is hilarious. I never mentioned anything about your "third worldism".
I've never talked about 'civility', and even pointed out someone tone-policing in the r/communism (or maybe r/communism101) several months ago. I've never made "dozens" of accounts, this is a complete lie. I was banned recently, last month, not 'a year ago'.
>The idea is they will say outrageous things and when someone responds to the provocation, we will ban that person for tone policing and then, finally, OP will reveal our hypocrisy.
Lying again. I never said anything outrageous (controversial perhaps, but that was after the fact I was banned). And I did read that rule, made sure I followed it and did so to the tee. The ban happened because he didn't like my commentary on a certain amerikan social-fascist online figure.
>The problem is that the OP is a moron and is fundamentally incapable of mimicking an ideology they do not believe in because that requires the ability to think critically about the immanent logic of other minds.
Someone not actually discerning the fact that a certain social fascist figure got criticized with me just having a beef with that person means someone else needs to apply the "moron" label on himself. I already pointed out that either you are a chauvinist masquerading as a "Communist" or you're not as bright as anyone would think you are having a look at your post history.
>This is quite common, what's rare is trolls usually give up after 1 or 2 times. This person is completely deranged and has been at this for at least a year, failing every single time.
More lies. This post was serious and was there to clearly test amerikan and european chauvinism. So clearly not 'trolling'.
I never once actually trolled with every single post I've done on r/communism or r/communism101 and you and every mod and everyone who's had a look at my post history there knows it. It wasn't any different from the rest of the comments.
The 'troll' card only means you're not willing to see your chauvinism and are doubling down on it.
>Since the "concern trolling" rule is completely reasonable and applied with care, the OP can never get what they fantasize about. But I am still shocked at their sheer incompetence and the very strange personality it must take to turn liberal offense at rudeness, which provoked a ban I thought about for 5 seconds and did on my phone, into a lifelong obsession.
This is a question that very few amerikan/european "marxists" were able to respond to legitimately. Some resorted to sarcastically not being sorry for being born in amerika europe (when this wasn't clearly about this or that individual, but the population as a whole, I already gauged you all and anyone from the Third World will have already figured from this post alone that you as a general rule are not to be trusted. The environment you're raised in made you, but no matter how much theory you read, you're not able to see through it, and it's not about you being 'born' here or there, the material conditions shape such chauvinist thinking, which is why I'm proposing some of you 'marxists' move to the Third World rather than staying in the imperial core), some resorted to "but muh French are gentle people" and some others called me a troll or threatened me with "gulags" as if sending Third World people to prison/jail was something a Marxist would do because I'm pointing out their chauvinist thinking and reactionary ways.
I'm not obsessed with you, you're an anonymous person that mods a sub. I'm more interested in what's going on through the minds of amerikans on average and I already know they all are still enjoying their bourgeois 'democracy' show. I'm also interested in knowing as a general rule how amerikans and europeans would react like if they get challenged on their ways. This post didn't disappoint.
You alone can't do anything, and you're not someone even engaged in an organization that actually matters.
You know dang well I never thought you were "rude". Nor is there any post in my history (nor on my substack) that implies or explicitly says that I am "offended" or think you're "rude".
>OP is posting here because their posts are auto deleted on r/communism and no one sees them except me, though this does not prevent them from continuing to try.
And I don't really care about going back to r/communism. It is another forum that is business as usual for amerikan social fascists like yourself. Not to mention that it is an online thing and the people involved are obviously not going to be able to accomplish anything at all. It was funny seeing social fascists complain about liberals, fascists and closeted fascists posing as "Marxists" posting their utterly chauvinistic and supremacist views on that sub. Indulgence, entertainment. There is no point in going back if I'm not able to post and much less so knowing what I know now.
>Sadly, this subreddit is for the dregs of Reddit who dream of r/communism without moderation and only get a nightmare.
I was already probably banned from here as well. I don't care about r/communism, r/communism101 or r/debatecommunism. Any person from the Third World will already have reached similar conclusions to mine. There really is no point in "consulting" any of you amerikan "marxists" as they'll ultimately get the wrong answers.
>Just to give you an idea of what goes on behind the scenes and liberalism in general. Ideologically speaking, it is literally easier to make dozens of accounts pretending to believe something than to simply admit you were wrong and had unquestioned liberal ideas, as is normal and expected of communists. Fantasies are powerful, libidinal forces.
You would have a point if you:
-Were speaking with a person who's made dozens of accounts (that's clearly not the case at all).
-You were speaking with a liberal. The fact I distrust first worlders (and there is no reason not to do so, the evidence is all over this thread) is only part of that dialectic. That clear separation between first world states and Third World states.
You already know this. You can criticize labor aristocrats and petite bourgeois all you want. There is no reason for you or anyone from the imperial core to leave your conditions behind. You're only left with throwing critiques at imperialist states but unable to identify how chauvinism and social-fascism spreads and prevails.
>E: I'm responding to your 8 day old post because OP tagged me and I was automatically notified. I've now blocked them, on this account at least. All of this over bog-standard liberalism. Though the liberalism isn't interesting, the pathological conduct to defend it is, at least if you look at OP like a bug in a jar.
I didn't even know what "tagging" means and didn't know you were going to come here to wallow on your social fascism because of that. The fact that I point out the chauvinism of you amerikans and europeans=/="liberalism". It only means you're just like the rest of socfashes in this post. You're that bit scummier though.
>EE: it's also likely this is the same person who paid real money for spam bots to post advertising on the subreddit for a while. The timing lines up. Again, no one saw them but me and even I only delete them in bulk.
Keep your mouth shut. Seriously.
I haven't paid anyone money, and wouldn't want to waste it on "spam bots". The sub you mod is just that, a little forum on a social media platform. What you're doing isn't anything special and its repercussions are the entertainment of a few people online. Only thing people should be worried about is the actions of the murder machine in the first world known as us military as well as the other tools the us government uses to subjugate and commit crimes in other countries.